Extracurricular activities

Welcome to Oxford International

where we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals. As parents, you play a crucial role in shaping your child’s educational journey. One of the ways to enrich their experience is by encouraging participation in clubs, extracurricular activities, and cultural endeavors. Here’s why you should consider getting involved:

Why join clubs and extracurricular activities?

  • 1. Holistic Development:

    Clubs and extracurricular activities foster holistic development by nurturing various skills beyond academics. From leadership to teamwork, creativity to critical thinking, these activities provide invaluable learning experiences.

  • 2. Discovering Passions:

    Exposure to diverse clubs allows children to explore their interests and passions. Whether it's sports, arts, music, or technology, Oxford International offers a wide array of options for every inclination.

  • 3. Building Networks:

    Participation in clubs and extracurriculars helps children build lasting friendships and networks. These connections extend beyond the classroom and provide a supportive community, enhancing their social skills and emotional well-being.

The Importance of Cultural Activities:

1. Cultural Awareness:

 In an increasingly interconnected world, cultural competence is essential. Cultural activities at Oxford International expose children to different traditions, languages, and perspectives, fostering tolerance, empathy, and global awareness.

2. Celebrating Diversity

Our cultural activities celebrate the rich diversity within our community. From festivals to language clubs, students have the opportunity to embrace their own heritage while learning about others, creating a vibrant tapestry of cultural exchange.

3. Preparation for the Future

In today's globalized workforce, understanding diverse cultures is a valuable asset. By participating in cultural activities, children develop intercultural communication skills that are crucial for success in an interconnected world.

How Parents Can Get Involved:

  • 1. Support and Encouragement:

    Your support and encouragement play a pivotal role in your child's participation. Talk to them about their interests, attend events, and celebrate their achievements.

  • 2. Volunteer Opportunities:

    Get involved by volunteering for clubs, events, or cultural activities. Your active participation not only enriches your child's experience but also strengthens the sense of community within Oxford International.

  • 3. Stay Informed:

    Stay updated on upcoming activities and events through our website and newsletters. Engage with teachers, coordinators, and other parents to stay connected and actively participate in your child's journey.

At Oxford International

We believe that education goes beyond the classroom walls. By joining clubs, extracurricular activities, and cultural endeavors, your child can embark on a journey of exploration, growth, and discovery. We invite you to be an integral part of this journey, as together, we shape the leaders and global citizens of tomorrow. Join us in fostering a vibrant community where every child thrives.

The list of clubs & extracurricular activities:

Certainly! International schools often offer a diverse range of clubs, extracurricular activities, and cultural activities to cater to the varied interests and backgrounds of their students. Here are some examples:

1. Academic Clubs:

- Debate Club
-Model United Nations (MUN)
- Science Club
- Math Club
- Robotics Club
- Coding Club
- Literary Society
- History Club

5. Technology and Innovation:

  • Computer Programming Club
  • Robotics Competitions (e.g., FIRST Robotics)
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Club
  • App Development Club

3. Arts and Creativity:

  • Art Club
  • Music Club (choir, band, orchestra)
  • Drama/Theater Club
  • Dance Club (e.g., ballet, hip-hop, traditional)
  • Photography Club
  • Creative Writing Club
  • Film-making Club

Create user stories and issues, plan sprints, and distribute useful tasks across your best software team.

7. Outdoor and Adventure Clubs:

  • Hiking and Camping Club
  • Adventure Sports (e.g., rock climbing, kayaking)
  • Wilderness Survival Skills Workshops
  • Environmental Conservation Projects
  • Orienteering and Geocaching

2. Sports and Fitness Activities:

  • Soccer/Football
  • Basketball
  •  Tennis
  •  Swimming
  •  Track and Field
  •  Gymnastics
  •  Martial Arts (e.g., Taekwondo, Karate)
  •  Yoga and Meditation

6. Cultural Activities:

  • Language Clubs (e.g., English, French, Spanish, German)
  • International Food and Culture Festivals
  • Cultural Dance Performances
  • Diversity and Inclusion Workshops
  • Global Awareness Seminars
  • Cultural Heritage Tours and Trips
  • International Week Celebrations

4. Community Service and Leadership:

  • Interact Club (Rotary-sponsored service club)
  • Student Council/Government
  • Environmental Club
  • Peer Tutoring/Mentoring Programs
  • Fundraising Events and Initiatives
  • Youth Leadership Programs
  • Volunteering Opportunities

8. Academic Competitions and Events:

  • Science Fairs
  • Math Olympiads
  • Spelling Bees
  • Quiz Bowls
  • Writing Contests
  • Model Bridge/Car/Boat Competitions
  • Debate Tournaments

These are just a few examples of the wide range of clubs, extracurricular activities, and cultural programs typically offered in international schools. They aim to provide students with opportunities for personal growth, skill development, cultural enrichment, and community engagement outside the traditional classroom setting.