History of school

History of the School

OIS is one of the pioneering institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic’s international education landscape. Established in 2015 with authorization from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, OIS embarked on a journey to provide world-class education to students from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Since its inception, OIS has been committed to delivering excellence in education through its renowned Cambridge programs and qualifications. Offering a comprehensive range of Cambridge curricula, including Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Secondary 1, Cambridge IGCSE, and Cambridge AS and A Levels, OIS aligns its educational framework with globally recognized standards. As a testament to our dedication to international education, Cambridge International Examinations, the world’s largest provider of international education programs and qualifications for students aged 5.3 to 19, has been integral to our academic offerings.3.5

Today, OIS stands as a vibrant multicultural community, welcoming over 1000 students representing more than 25 countries. Our dedicated faculty, hailing from 14 different countries, brings a wealth of expertise and diversity to our learning environment, fostering an atmosphere of global understanding and collaboration.

As we continue to uphold our commitment to academic excellence, cultural diversity, and holistic development, OIS remains steadfast in its mission to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in an interconnected world. Join us in shaping the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, as we embark on this enriching educational journey together.

Our Vision

At OIS our vision is to empower present-day learners to courageously tackle challenges, fostering adaptability and empathy as they evolve into global citizens poised to make meaningful contributions towards a sustainable world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

OIS is dedicated to nurturing a culturally diverse community where every student's individual potential is cultivated through rigorous academic standards and hands-on learning experiences. We believe in fostering practical leadership skills, instilling character development, and providing opportunities for students to make meaningful contributions to both local and global communities. At OIS, we prioritize the holistic growth of our students, preparing them to excel academically while becoming compassionate, engaged citizens of the world.

  • Connected

    We build connections through inclusivity, awareness and effective communication.

  • Curious

    We demonstrate curiosity through being reflective, creative and inquisitive.

  • Caring

    We demonstrate caring through acts of empathy, respect and altruism.

  • Courageous

    We demonstrate courage through acts of integrity, boldness and perseverance.